2025 | "Materials and Circular Economy" Presentation at Materials Course at HIT, Israel (8/1/25) |
2024 | "Digital Preservation of the Synagogues in Greece: Combining high and low tech to bring lost synagogues back to life" International Conference for Cultural Heritage and Technology - CHNT29 and Icomos Austria, Vienna, Austria (4-6/11/24) - The paper was awarded Best Paper Award |
2024 | "Hotel Experience Color Green" Keynote speaker introduction anel panel discussion with Dr. Michael Braungart on Cradle-to-Cradle and Circular Economy in Design - Hotel Experience, Athens, Greece (5-6/10/24) |
2024 | ΤΟ ΣΥΝΑΓΩΙ παρουσίαση του βιβλίου σε διοργάνωση του Συλλόγου για τη Διατήρηση της Αρχιτεκτονικής και Πολιτισικής Κληρονομιάς Ρόδου και της Ισραηλιτικής Κοινότητας Ρόδου στο Κατάλυμα της Αγγλίας, Πλατεία Μουσείου, Μεσαιωνική Πόλη Ρόδου. Μίλησαν: Νεκταρία Δασακλή, Πρόεδρος Συλλόγου ΔΑΠΚΡ, Παρασκευή Μωραϊτου Αρχιτέκτονας, Αναπληρώτρια Προϊσταμένη ΥΝΜΤΕ Δωδεκανήσου - ΥΠΠΟ, Νεκτάριος Καλογήρου, δημοσιογράφος και η Κάρμεν Κοέν, Διευθύντρια ΙΚ Ρόδου. Αποσπάσματα διάβασε ο Πάνος Δρακόπουλος, Φιλόλογος (30/3/24) |
2023 | Wasted: If the wall could speak panel moderator The Architect Show 5, Athens, Greece (8/12/23) |
2023 | Sustainability builds Resilience panel moderator The Architect Show 5, Athens, Greece (8/12/23) |
![]() |
2023 | Sustainable design and circular practices in design online lecture at Holon Institute of Technology (22/11/23) - view |
2023 | Αειφορικός Σχεδιασμός και Οικολογική Δόμηση στην Πράξη από τη Δράση της ECOWEEK μέχρι το παράδειγμα της Συναγωγής Καάλ Σαλώμ στην Κω ομιλία στη διαδικτυακή εκδήλωση του ΚΜΟΠ για την Περιβαλλοντική Ευαισθητοποίηση (16/11/23) |
2023 | Τα εβραϊκά μνημεία στο Αρχαιολογικό Κτηματολόγιο ομιλία στη διημερίδα της Διεύθυνσης Διαχείρισης Εθνικού Αρχείου Μνημείων (9/11/23) |
2023 | ΤΟ ΣΥΝΑΓΩΙ σειρά ομιλιών και βιβλιοπαρουσιάσεων του νέου βιβλίου του Η. Μεσσίνα ΤΟ ΣΥΝΑΓΩΙ (Ινφογνώμων, 2023) στα Ιωάννινα, Αθήνα, Πρέβεζα, Ξάνθη, Αλεξανδρούπολη, Θεσσαλονίκη και Καστοριά σε συνεργασία με Δήμους και τοπικούς φορείς (1-10/10/23) |
2023 | Circular practices in design: The example of the restoration of the interior of the synagogue Kahal Shalom in Kos, Greece lecture at 2nd Hybrid Workshop in "Innovative Seismic Protection and Structural/Community Resilience"University of Thrace, Session moderator: Dr. Dimitra Tsirigoti (4/9/23) - lecture manuscript |
2023 | ΡΩΜΑΝΙΩΤΕΣ: ΟΙ ΕΒΡΑΙΟΙ ΤΩΝ ΙΩΑΝΝΙΝΩΝ παρουσίαση και πρόλογος στην προβολή της ταινίας στο Φεστιβάλ Κινηματογράφου στην Αίγινα, Κτήμα Κολλάτου (13/8/23) |
2023 | Jewish Heritage in Greece: A Historical Journey to Today: Restoring Jewish Heritage online lecture for Roundtable by the 92Y in New York, NY (21/6/23) - details |
2023 | Jewish Heritage in Greece: A Historical Journey to Today: Romaniote and Sephardi Heritage online lecture for Roundtable by the 92Y in New York, NY (14/6/23) - details |
2023 | ![]() |
2023 | A Journey to the Synagogues of Greece: Architecture, History and Memory' online lecture for the course of Prof. Fyllio Katsavounidou 'Κοινωνικές και Ψυχολογικές Θεωρήσεις του Χώρου και της Αρχιτεκτονικής' at the Dept. of Architecture, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece (27/4/23) - recording |
2023 | Sustainability: From Theory to Practice' keynote lecture at Green Campus Council at HIT, Israel (12/3/23) - recording |
2022 | Wasted. Wasted Not. Want not. In conversation with the curators of Waste not Want not project' panel discussion moderator with architect John Veikos and lighting consultant Anna Sbokou at The Architect Show Athens (10/12/22) - view |
2022 | What is Green? Η Έννοια της βιωσιμότητας στηνΗ αρχιτεκτονική panel discussion introduction and moderator at The Architect Show Athens (10/12/22) |
2022 | Fast Forward: Ποιό θα είναι το πρόσωπο της αρχιτεκτονικής το 2050; REUSE-SUSTAINABILITY: 'Η αρχιτεκτονική πέρα από την αφαίρεση' opening panel discussion with architect Maria Kaltsa opening The Architect Show Athens (10/12/22) |
2022 | Αρχιτεκτονικό Οδοιπορικό στις συναγωγές της Θεσσαλονίκης και της Β. Ελλάδος at the Dept. of Architecture of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (17/10/22) poster |
2022 | "The Restoration of the Yavanim Synagogue in Trikala" lecture at the re-dedication of the synagogue organized by The Jewish Community of Trikala and the Central Board of Jewish Communities of Greece at Synagogue Inauguration Ceremony, Tsitsanis Museum, Trikala (15/10/22) invitation |
2022 | Η 'Χαμένη' Συναγωγή της Ξάνθης και της Β. Ελλάδος at the Dept. of Architecture of the University of Xanthi (11/10/22) article |
2022 | "Δημόσια Διαβούλευση: προσχηματική διαδικασία ή σοβαρή δυνατότητα και υπό ποιές προϋποθέσεις; Διεθνής εμπειρία και κανόνες." for 10ο Συνέδριο ΕΜΠ "ΕΡΕΥΝΑ ΚΑΙ ΔΡΑΣΕΙΣ ΓΙΑ ΤΙΣ ΟΡΕΙΝΕΣ ΚΑΙ ΑΠΟΜΟΝΩΜΕΝΕΣ ΠΕΡΙΟΧΕΣ" 22-24/9/22, ΜΕΚΔΕ, Μέτσοβο (22-24/9/22) - Πρακτικά ISBN: 978-960-99838 - 9 - 1 | read | minutes (p.714) |
2022 | "Jewish Greece: A journey to the Past and Present: The Architecture of Greek synagogues" lecture part 3 in a series of three online lectures hosted by The Sephardic Jewish Brotherhood of America (22/9/22) - view recording in English - more on the lecture series |
2022 | "The Urban Planner in Jerusalem: Challenges and Opportunities" lecture, seminar and workshop hosted by the Community Center in Har Nof (22/9/22) |
2022 | "Jewish Greece: A journey of Synagogues" lecture at The Salonika and Greece Jewry Heritage Center In Memory of Leon Recanati (1890-1945) in Petah Tikvah (15/9/22) - about the exhibition opening and read |
2022 | "Jewish Greece: A journey to the Past and Present: The Sephardi tradition" lecture part 2 in a series of three online lectures hosted by The Sephardic Jewish Brotherhood of America (8/9/22) - view recording in English - more on the lecture series |
2022 | "Jewish Greece: A journey to the Past and Present: the Romaniote tradition" lecture part 1 in a series of three online lectures hosted by The Sephardic Jewish Brotherhood of America (1/9/22) - view recording in English - more on the lecture series |
2022 | Book Presentation in Aegina at the Eynardeio Court of the Public Kapodistrian Library of Aegina (28/4/22) View recording in Greek |
2022 | "Jewish Greece: Stories and Synagogues" lecture at the Greek Center of Jerusalem with Shimon Parnas (7/7/22) |
2022 | "Urban Planning and Public Participation prospects in Thessaloniki, Greece" panel discussion at PAREMVASI WEB TV online (28/4/22) |
2022 | "Jewish Greece: Synagogues before the Shoah and Today" lecture at the Greek Center of Jerusalem, Jerusalem (28/4/22) |
Book presentation in Athens (14/4/22) at the auditorium of Goethe Institute Athens, Omirou 14-16, Athens. Listen to recording in Greek |
Book presentation in Xanthi (13/4/22) at the Historic Museum of Xanthi, Antika 7, Xanthi. Greek | Listen to recording in Greek |
Book presentation in Thessaloniki (12/4/22) at the Monastirioton synagogue, Syngrou 35, Thessaloniki. Greek | English |
Book presentation in Kos (11/4/22) at the synagogue of Kos, Alex. Diakou 4, Kos. Greek | Watch event |
2022 | Elias Messinas and Ioanna Galanaki: "merging narratives-changing meanings: Greek Synagogues, Greek Jewish memory and Modern Greek identity - A view from the archaeological archives" Lecture at Hybrid Conference - State, Culture, Identities - Views from the Archaeological Archives at The American School of Classical Studies at Athens, and The British School at Athens (2/4/22) more |
2022 | "Sustainable Thinking in the Urban Context in Jerusalem" Workshop for elementary schools at Gonnenim Innovation Hub, Jerusalem (22/3/22) |
2022 | "Examples of Public Participation in Ginot Hair in Jerusalem" Online seminar for Urban Planners, Jerusalem (20/1/22) |
2022 | "Κυκλικές Πρακτικές, Έξυπνες ('Smart') Παρεμβάσεις και Συμμετοχή των Πολιτών στην Καινοτομία και Αειφορία" in "Βιώσιμα Κτίρια και Ανθεκτικές Υποδομές Στο Δρόμο Προς Μια Κλιματικά Ουδέτερη Πόλη" στο Διαδικτυακό Θεματικό Εργαστήριο Ιωάννινα 2030 Κλιματικά Ουδέτερη και Έξυπνη Πόλη by Ioannina Municipality and the University of Patras, Greece (10/1/22) more |
2021 | "The Greek Community in Jerusalem" Ginot Hair Community Council event at the Greek Community Center, Jerusalem (28/12/21) |
2021 | "Learnings from Glasgow COP26" speaker and moderator, The Architect Show 3, Metropolitan Expo, Athens (12/12/21) |
2021 | "Κυκλική Οικονομία στο Αλουμίνιο" speaker and moderator, The Architect Show 3, Metropolitan Expo, Athens (12/12/21) |
2021 | "Κυκλικές Πρακτικές στο Μάρμαρο " panel speaker, The Architect Show 3, Metropolitan Expo, Athens (12/12/21) |
2021 | "Urban Planning in Jerusalem" Or Torah Stone, Ramot High School, at the Nature Museum Community Garden Center, Jerusalem (10/11/21) |
2021 | "Sustainable Urban Planning and Neighborhoods 360" Meytarim Community Center, Jerusalem (7/10/21) |
2021 | "Public Participation towards a Sustainable Solution for the Parthenon Marbles" at ECOWEEK 2021 in Aegina, Greece (3/9/21) |
2021 | "Sustainable Design and the Challenges of Seaside Communities" at ECOWEEK 2021 in Aegina, Greece (29/8/21) |
2021 | "Sustainable Design and the Challenges of Climate Crisis in Cities" at ECOWEEK 2021 at EU Green Week - online (5/6/21) |
2021 | "Circular Practices and the Human Scale in Design and Architecture" Moderator at speakers' panel with Jan Jongert (Superstudio) and Arch.Roni Daniel at Wizo Center, Haifa - online (5/5/21) |
2021 | "Sustainability and the Challenges of the Climate Crisis" at ECOWEEK 2021 in Rome - online (16/1/21) |
2020 | Social Sustainability & Tourism Facilities at Open Colloquium on Sustainability and Pandemia: Unlocking Green Tourism at Metropolitan College, Athens, Greece - online (12/6/20) - PR |
2020 | Introducing Circular Economy in Design at ECOWEEK 2020 Online 48-Hour Challenge - online (16/5/20) |
2020 | 'Sustainability and Green Buildings at the Coronavirus era' Holon Institute of Technology - online (12/4/20) |
2020 | 'The Preservation of the ancient mosaic of the Aegina Synagogue' Community Garden at the Nature Museum, Jerusalem (15/2/20) |
2020 | 'Green Building Guidelines on Urban Planning' Forum of Regional and Community Planners, Jerusalem (4/1/20) |
2019 | 'Public Participation in Jerusalem' Rotary Club, YMCA, Jerusalem (11/9/19) |
2019 | 'A Narrative to Improve the Public Domain' Annual Conference of the Israel Green Building Council, Tel Aviv (10/9/19) |
2019 | 'The Greek Synagogues: Research and Preservation of the mosaic of Aegina'' Archaeological Museum of Aegina, Aegina (11/9/19) |
2019 | 'ECOWEEK 2019 in Israel - Opening remarks'' Holon Institute of Technology, Holon (1/9/19) |
2019 | 'The Greek Synagogues: Research and Preservation of the mosaic of Aegina'' Archaeological Museum of Aegina, Aegina (7/8/19) |
2019 | 'The Greek Synagogues: Research and Preservation of the mosaic of Aegina'' Greek Community Center, Jerusalem (17/7/19) |
2019 | 'The Greek Synagogues: traveling through Jewish Greece' Ladino Studies Center, Bar Ilan University, Bar Ilan (18/6/19) |
2019 | 'At Eye Level - Opening remarks at exhibition opening' Vitrina Gallery, Holon Institute of Technology, Holon (13/5/19) |
2019 | 'The Greek Community and Architecture of Greek Compound in Jerusalem' The Community Centers Association, Greek Community Center, Jerusalem (4/4/19) |
2019 | 'A Journey of Secrets and Sketching in Greece: The experience of a Greek architect traveling through special places in Greece' Onassis Hellenic Studies Program, Haifa University, Haifa (27/3/19) |
2019 | 'Public Participation: Dilemas and Examples' Bezalel Masters Program, Beth Hansen, Jerusalem (9/1/19) |
2018 | 'The Greek Synagogues: before and after the Holocaust' Yad Vashem Course on Greek Holocaust, Yad Vashem, Givatayim (4/12/18) |
2018 | 'The Greek Synagogues: 20 Years of Research and Preservation' Commemoration of Aaron Rousso, Beth Hatefutsoth, Tel Aviv (3/12/18) |
2018 | 'The Greek Synagogues: Research and Preservation'' Recanati Center, Petah Tikvah (17/10/18) |
2018 | Μεταβεβλημένα αστικά τοπία: Συναγωγές και εβραϊκή μνήμη στην Ελλάδα Αρχαιολογικοί Διάλογοι 2018 "Πόλεις / Αστικό Τοπίο" (31/5-3/6/18) more |
2018 | 'The Greek Community and Architecture of Greek Compound in Jerusalem' Greek Community Center, Jerusalem (25/5/18) |
2018 | 'Urban or Social renewal?' lecture at Planners' Conference in Jerusalem, Israel (15/3/18) |
2017 | ''Green Design Initiates Change' lecture at Holon Insitute of Technology 10X10 (with Israel GBC), Holon, Israel (21/11/17) |
2017 | ''Green Campus: The Next Step' lecture at Holon Insitute of Technology Green Council, Holon, Israel (29/12/17) |
2017 | Keynote address at 'Open Schools Open Societies' conference for OSOS EU Funded Program in Athens, Greece (20/10/17) |
2017 | 'Waste Recycling and Public Awareness on Environmental Sustainability' at 'The Business of Energy' 2nd Kosovo Green Festival by USAID and Embassy of Sweden, Prishtina, Kosovo (20/9/17) |
2017 | Introduction of documentary 'An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power' pre-commercial screening in Jerusalem Cinemateque at ECOWEEK 2017 in Israel (12/9/17) |
2017 | Introduction of documentary 'An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power' pre-commercial screening in Lev Tel Aviv at the opening of ECOWEEK 2017 in Israel (10/9/17) |
2017 | Opening remarks at the opening of ECOWEEK 2017 'Placemaking with Sustainable Design Workshops & Interventions in Public Spaces' Holon Institute of Technology, Holon (10/9/17) |
2017 | Introduction of documentary 'An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power' Greek premiere at Olympion Cinema, Aegina, Greece (28/8/17) |
2017 | Lecture on Sustainable Design at ECOWEEK & 92Y 'Seven Days of Genius' at Holon Institute of Technology, Holon (7/3/17) |
2017 | Lecture on Sustainable Design at ECOWEEK & 92Y 'Seven Days of Genius' at JEST HUB, Jerusalem (8/3/17) |
2017 | Sustainability Workshop Introduction Opening lecture at the Lab-X workshops at the College of Management, Rishon, Israel (3/4/17) |
2016 | Sustainability and Public Initiatives in Israel and Abroad Keynote address at the College of Management, Rishon, Israel (5/12/16) |
2016 | Opening remarks at the opening of ECOWEEK 2016 'Placemaking in One Planet' in Tel Aviv, Israel co-organized with the Municipality of Bat Yam and the Jerusalem Development Authority (18/9) - more |
2016 | Opening remarks at the opening of ECOWEEK 2016 'Public Space and Tourism in One Planet' in Agios Nikolaos, Crete, Greece co-organized with the Municipality of Agios Nikolaos and Lasithi Prefecture (13/6) - more |
2016 | Opening remarks at Press Conference of ECOWEEK 2016 'Public Space and Tourism in One Planet' in Agios Nikolaos, Crete, Greece co-organized with the Municipality of Agios Nikolaos and Lasithi Prefecture (13/6) - more |
2015 | Small Design Big Learning: hands-on workshops and courses Keynote address at the opening of sustainable design workshop OPL@IUE at the Department of Architecture, Izmir University of Economics, Izmir, Turkey (13/11) - more |
2015 | Opening remarks at ECOWEEK 2015 'Sustainable Intervention in Public Space' in Thessaloniki, Greece co-organized with AuTh Architecture and Landscape Architecture, and hosted by AKTO College (2/11) - more |
2015 | Opening remarks at ECOWEEK 2015 'Glocal Architecture' in Prishtina, Kosovo organized at the Architecture Department of Prishtina University (28/10) - more |
2015 | Opening remarks at ECOWEEK 2015 'Contemporary Archaeology' in Istanbul, Turkey organized by Yeditepe Unviersity School of Architeture and Association of Students (20/4) - more |
2015 | Learning by Doing Green: Architecture Students Can Make a Difference Keynote address at the opening of exhibition Birikim (Gatherings) marking the 10-year anniversary of the Department of Architecture, Izmir University of Economics, Izmir, Turkey (27/3) |
2015 | Learning by Doing Green: Architecture Students Can Make a Difference at Department of Architecture, Yeditepe University, Istanbul, Turkey (27/2) |
2015 | Making a Difference by Learning and Doing Green at Jerusalem Rotary Club (28/1) |
2014 | Opening remarks at ECOWEEK 2014 in Prishtina, Kosovo organized at the Architecture Department of Prishtina University (12/10) |
2014 | Opening remarks at ECOWEEK 2014 in London, UK hosted at ARUP UK (14/9) - more |
2014 | Workshops on making and intervention in the city in Israel and abroad at Crafts Conference organized by Bezalel Academy (21/5) more |
2014 | Workshops on making an intervention for social justice in the city in Israel and abroad at ZEZEZE Gallery organized by the IL Green Building Council (23/4) more |
2013 | Opening remarks at ECOWEEK 2013 in Istanbul, Turkey organized by Mimar Sinan Fine Arts Univeristy Department of Architecture (18/11) - more |
2013 | Opening remarks at ECOWEEK 2013 in Krakow, Poland organized by Fundacja Miastotworcze (21/10) - more |
2013 | Keynote lecture at Zepellin Events in Bucharest, Romania (18/10) |
2013 | Opening remarks at ECOWEEK 2013 in Middle East: Green Design Architecture Urban Innovation organized by ECOWEEK in Israel & West Bank (3-8/3/13) |
2012 | Opening remarks at ECOWEEK 2012 : Green Design Architecture Urban Innovation organized by ECOWEEK in Belgrade, Serbia (26-30/11/12) |
2012 | Opening remarks at ECOWEEK 2012 : Urban Footprint + Affordable Communities + Green Design organized by ECOWEEK in Rome, Italy (24-30/9/12) |
2012 | Opening remarks at ECOWEEK 2012 : Reunion in Green District organized by ECOWEEK in Krakow, Poland (17-19/5/12) |
2012 | Opening remarks at ECOWEEK 2012 : Urban Innovation + Green Design organized by ECOWEEK in Thessaloniki, Greece (2-8/3/12) |
2012 | Opening remarks at ECOWEEK 2012 in Middle East: Urban Communities + Affordable Living + Green Design organized by ECOWEEK in Israel & West Bank (26/2-2/3/12) |
2011 | Opening remarks at ECOWEEK 2011: Urban Communities and Green Architecture organized by ECOWEEK in Athens, Greece (12-18/12/11) |
2011 | Keynote speaker at CP MILENIO in Granada, Spain (14/10/11) read |
2011 | Opening remarks at ECOWEEK 2011: Urban Communities and Green Architecture organized by ECOWEEK in Milano, Italy (12-18/9/11) |
2011 | Keynote speaker at "Hod Hasharon 'Green' City and Community" organized by the Munuicipality of Hod Hasharon, Hod Hasharon (6/4/11) |
2011 | Opening remarks at panel "Iconic Architectonic: Architecture and Visual Culture from the Middle East" organized by the Program "Crossroads" (Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Greece), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Faculty of Architecture, ECOWEEK, Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art & 3rd Biennale of Thessaloniki, and NOESIS Science Center and Technology Museum, Thessaloniki (31/3/11) |
2011 | Opening remarks at ECOWEEK 2011: Urban Communities and Green Architecture organized by ECOWEEK in Thessaloniki (28/3-3/4/11) |
2010 | Αειφόρες Κοινότητες & Πράσινη Αρχιτεκτονική (Sustainable Communities & Green Architecture) Lecture at Conference "The Power of Creativity" at the Goethe Institut Thessaloniki, Greece (8/12/10) |
2010 | Αειφόρος Σχεδιασμός (Sustainable Design) Lecture at AKTO School of Design, Thessaloniki, Greece (8/12/10) |
2010 | Opening remarks at ECOWEEK 2010 in the Middle East: Green Architecture :: Community :: Sustainability organized by ECOWEEK in Israel & West Bank (25/7-1/8/10) |
2010 | Opening remarks at ECOWEEK 2010: Ecology+Community+Architecture organized by ECOWEEK in Athens, Greece (13-20/3/10) |
2009 |
Ανακύκλωση στα κτίρια
και κτίρια σε συνθήκες ερήμου (Recycling in Buildings & Building
in the desert) Lecture at the 5th Conference on Holistic Architecture
and Ecological Building (organized by S.OL.AR.)
at Serres, N. Greece (12-13/12/09)
2009 | Green future - how? Greek challenges - Danish experiences - future solutions Lecture, discussion, and dialogue with the audience in English. Participants: Carsten Beck, Director of Research at Copenhagen Institute for Future Studies, and Elias Messinas, architect and founder of the international environmental NGO ECOWEEK. Danish Institute at Athens in cooperation with the Danish Embassy. (23/10/09) |
2009 | Opening remarks at ECOWEEK 2009: Ecology + Leadership + Architecture organized by ECOWEEK in Athens (31/3-6/409) |
2009 | Leadership and Social Enterpreneurship in Green Buildings Lecture at the Municipal Gathering No. 7 at Menashe Municipality (19/3/09) |
2009 | Green Building: Design, Technology, Initiatives & Education Lecture and opening remarks at the conference 'Green Civil Engineering' at the Sami Shamoon College co-organized by ECOWEEK in Beer Sheva (Israel) (23/2/09) |
2009 | Introduction to speaker Khee Po Lam at the Jerusalem Seminar organized by the Rothchild Foundation, at HaUma Congress Center, Jerusalem (26/1/09) |
2008 | Sustainable Buildings: Passive Solar Design & Ecological Building Panel lecture & Discussion at the CEO & CSR Conference at Hilton, Athens, organized by Eurocharity - participated also: Alexandros Tombazis (Meletitiki, Architect), Nikos Vitatzakis (Sol Energy) and George Kazatzopoulos (More than Green) - moderator Michael Spanos (Eurocharity) (28/5/08) |
2008 | Opening remarks at ECOWEEK 2008: Ecology+Environment+Architecture organized by ECOWEEK and the AIA Continental Europe in Athens (10-14/4/08) |
2008 | Πρωτοβουλίες για επεμβάσεις ενεργειακή απόδοσης σε κατοικίες στην Ελλάδα και το εξωτερικό (Energy conserving initiative in residential buildings in Greece and abroad) Lecture at ECOTEC 08 trade show, EXPO Athens, Anthousa Athens (25/5/08) |
2008 | Η ανακύκλωση στα κτίρια (Recycling on the Buildling Site) Lecture at the ECOWEEK Conference on Ecological Building at Larnaka, organized by ECOWEEK, the Municipality of Larnaka and MKC City College (17/5/08) |
2008 | Introduction of the screening of 'An Inconvenient Truth' at the Athens Summit 2008, at Athens Hilton, Athens (6/5/08) |
2007 | Ανακύκλωση για κτίρια (Recycling for Buildings) Lecture at the STUDENT FESTIVAL (Φεστιβάλ Φοίτηση) seminar on Ecological Building organized by S.OL.AR. at Congress Center in Peristeri (11/12/07) |
2007 | Ανακύκλωση για κτίρια (Recycling for Buildings) Lecture at the ECOFESTIVAL trade show seminar on Ecological Building organized by S.OL.AR. at HELEXPO in Athens (9/11/07) |
2007 | Remarks at Press Conference for Al Gore's lecture in Athens at the Athens Concert Hall, organized by Megaron Plus and ECOWEEK (13/6/07) |
2006 | Ανακύκλωση για κτίρια (Recycling for Buildings) Lecture at the the Conference on Holistic Architecture and Ecological Building (organized by S.OL.AR.) in Hrakleio, Crete, Greece (3/6/06) |
2006 | Ανακύκλωση και στα κτίρια (Recycling also for Buildings) Lecture at the the Conference on Holistic Architecture and Ecological Building (organized by S.OL.AR.) in Karditsa, Greece (17/3/06) |
2007 | Opening remarks at Robert Swan's lecture in Athens at the Benaki Museum, organized by ECOWEEK and the British Council (23/4/07) |
2006 | Opening remarks at ECOWEEK 2006 organized by ECOWEEK in Aegina (9-17/6/06) |
2005 | Recycling of Building Materials Lecture at the Conference on Holistic Architecture and Ecological Building (organized by S.OL.AR.) in Kefalonia, Greece (4/11/05) |
2005 | Opening remarks at ECOWEEK 2005 organized by ECOWEEK in Aegina (1-8/10/05) |
2005 | Opening remarks at ECOLOGICAL BUILDING SEMINAR organized by Association of Active Citizens of Aegina, in Aegina (11/6/05) |
2004 | Opening remarks at the planting ceremony and the inauguration of park 'Athens 2004' at Zur Moshe in Israel, a project initiated by the undersigned and Moshav Zur Moshe (6/2/04 & 9/7/04) |
2002 | Opening remarks at opening of exhibition "Images from Greece" at the Jerusalem Theater, Jerusalem (22/12/02) |
2002 | The
Jewish Community and Synagogues of Athens International Conference on Architecture and Culture Mishkenot Shaananim and Jerusalem Foundation, Jerusalem (5/6/02) |
2001 | The
Jewish Heritage of Greece
Read more University of Rhode Island Cherry Auditorium of the Kirk Center for Advanced Technology |
2000 | The
transition of Greek synagogues from the Ottoman to the European models:
the example of Salonika MJSA Annual Conference East Lansing, MI (18/9/00) |
2000 | Saving
the Jewish heritage of Greece Holocaust Memorial Center West Bloomfield, MI (18/9/00) |
1999 | The
synagogues of Salonika: Destruction & Reconstruction The Holocaust in Greece Series (USHMM) read more Catholic University Architecture School Washington, DC (4/10/99) |
1999 | The
synagogue and Jewish quarter of Veroia World Bank Symposium on Sacred Places Washington, DC (6/5/99) |
1999 | The
conservation program of the synagogue of Veroia International Conference on Jewish Heritage Paris, France (27/1/99) |
1998 | Late
synagogues of Greece: origins and architecture Yale Judaic Studies Program Yale University, New Haven, CT (23/2/98) |
1998 | Late
synagogues of Greece: the location of the bimah Princeton Program in Hellenic Studies Princeton, NJ (18/2/98) |
1997 | The
Synagogues of Greece: origins and architecture Center for Jewish Art Hebrew University, Jerusalem (9/8/97) |
1996 | Greek
Synagogues : survey and preservation ICOMOS-Israel Jerusalem (11/12/96) |
1995 | Opening remarks at opening of exhibition "Travel Sketchbooks" at the Athens College Theater, Athens (1/2/95) |
1995 | Greek
Synagogues: survey and preservation - the synagogue of Veroia ICOMOS- Greece Athens - in collaboratioin with Liza Bensasson |
1994 | Greek Synagogues: survey and preservation - the synagogue of Veroia at Jewish Youth of Athens Seminar in Veroia |
1993 | Introduction to speaker Prof. Manolis Korres Columbia University, New York, organized by the undersigned, Onassis Foundation, and Columbia University (4/3/93) |
1990 | Opening remarks at opening of exhibition "Travel Sketchbooks" at the Yale Art & Architecture Building, New Haven, CT (8/8/90) |